Hello! It's been awhile since I last posted and a lot has been going on. The first part of this post is something I wrote for the blog last year but never shared...
Last week Weston and I found out we are expecting again. Ahhhh! I have so many emotions! Excited, anxious, scared, overjoyed, guilty, expectant. So many things all at the same time! We weren't exactly trying but we weren't preventing either so I was a little surprised when I saw two little lines appear on the test.
Kellen occupies a lot of my thoughts and it scares me that suddenly I have another baby to think about - It's surreal to think that we might have another baby soon. This baby is SUCH a blessing and we are praying fiercely that he/she is strong and healthy. There is so much anxiety for me this time - I could really use prayer.
Last year someone told me that we (her and I) had lost our innocence in pregnancy. Meaning we would never have the carefree, joyous attitude that other expectant mothers have and I believe her now more than ever! But despite how I feel I trust God and believe that He has a perfect plan for Kellen's little sibling.
We have told family and a few friends but have tried to keep it quiet as I am only around 6 weeks along...
Then a few months later...
...Fast forward to 12/28/2016
Introducing Mason Oliver Wood
Born at 7:14pm
7lbs 4oz, 20.5 in.
Successful VBAC
We are so in love!

And now, 02/15/2017
Weston and I feel so extremely blessed to have two boys... One here with us and one in heaven...